Appointments and Appeals
Membership of 5
Reports to Council
Responsibilities include:
Hearing Personnel Appeals
Appointment of Divisional Heads
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Meeting Dates and Documentation available here
The Committee is made up of:
Ben Brookes (Vice-Chairman) | |
Marcus Hart (Chairman) |