Council Structure
Appointments and Appeals
Membership of 5Reports to Council
Responsibilities include:
Hearing Personnel Appeals
Appointment of Divisional Heads
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Audit Committee
The Committee is drawn from a range of membership backgrounds and expertise.
Responsibilities include:
Improving Corporate Governance having regard to the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
Audit Committee membership of 8 with the option of co-opting an independent person
Reports to Council
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Making recommendations for approval by the Cabinet on aspects of Audit both internally and externally
Membership of 6
Responsibilities include:
Guiding and co-ordinating the overall direction of the Council through the formulation of Corporate Plans, Objectives, Priorities and Programmes.
Together with the Overview & Scrutiny Committees, keeping under review the effectiveness of all the Council's activities and the standards and levels of services provided and identifying the need for new services.
Considering, co-ordinating and recommending to the Council new policies or changes in existing policies.
Making decisions within the budget and policy framework determined by Council.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Cabinet Member and Officer Decisions
This is for documentation only. There are no membership details.
Cabinet Sub-Committee
Cabinet Decision 20-09-2017Membership - any 3 Members of the Cabinet, one of whom shall be the Leader or Deputy Leader and this person will chair any meeting of the sub-committee
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
The ultimate decision making body on Council policy and practice consisting of all 33 elected councillors.Responsibilities include:
Determining the Budget
Appointing Leader.
Appointing the Regulatory Committees, Overview and Scrutiny Committees and any other committees/forums to conduct the Council's business
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Ethics and Standards Committee
Membership of 7 Councillors, 3 co-opted Independent Members (non-voting), 3 Parish Councillors (non-voting)
Reports to Council
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Licensing and Environmental Committee
Membership of 12
Makes recommendations to Council
Responsibilities include:
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles
Public Entertainment Licences
Street Trading
Moneylenders, Pawnbrokers, Scrap Metal Dealers, Sex Shops and other Licensing matters.
Also manages fees and charges and protects the environment in relation to noise and other statutory nuisances.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Licensing Sub Committee
Membership of 3
Determines applications for licences and reviews of licences under:
- the Licensing Act 2003;
- the Gambling Act 2005;
- applications made under paragraph 2 or 3 of Schedule 1 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 for the grant or variation of a licence where there is doubt as to the suitability of the applicant or to revoke or vary a licence under section 4 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013; and such other legislation as may be enacted in relation to licensing matters involving public protection issues; having regard to the Council's licensing policies and guidance from the Secretary of State. As these meetings necessarily involve the attendance of applicants, and other parties, such as, applicants' representatives, witnesses, police and fire authority representatives, the 'hearings' shall normally be held during the normal working hours of the Council.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Membership of 12
Reviews the policies of the Council and the Cabinet and recommends to the Council or the Cabinet.
Reviews the discharge of Cabinet functions, and recommends to the Council or the Cabinet.
Reviews any decisions or proposed decisions of the Council and of the Cabinet. In undertaking such reviews, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall in particular consider.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Resolution of Committee 05-10-2017Membership - five members of the
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, politically balanced. The terms of reference of the sub-committee are solely to scrutinise, and make recommendations upon, business cases in
respect of the capital portfolio fund and development loan fund.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Planning Committee
Membership of 12.
Can make recommendations to Council.
Responsibilities include:
Determining planning and related applications
Planning Enforcement matters
All matters relating to conservation areas
Tree preservation orders
Building preservation notices
Advertisement control
Listed buildings
Footpath diversion, stopping up and related matters.
The Quorum at meetings of Council or any of its Committees is half of its membership. If, during the meeting of the Council, a Quorum of Members is not present then the meeting shall be adjourned immediately.
If the lack of Quorum only relates to particular item(s) then that particular item(s) shall be deferred.
The remaining business will be considered at a date and time fixed by the Chairman. If he/she does not fix a date, the remaining business will be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting.
Except where authorised by Statute or ordered by the Council, business shall not be transacted at any meeting unless the quorum as set out is present. Fractions of numbers are to be rounded up.
Articles of the constitution – section 2
Terms of reference – section 5
Council procedure rules (standing orders) – section 7
Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board
Previously Worcestershire Regulatory Services Joint Committee. This is for documentation only.
Note: The Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board is an established Board (previously it was the Joint Committee). At its meeting on 25th June 2015 the Joint Committee agreed to recommend partner councils dissolve the then current Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership on 31st March 2016 and constitute a new partnership comprising of the six district councils on 1st April 2016 along with a service level agreement between the new partnership and the County Council for the provision of trading standards and animal health services. The Joint Committee was dissolved on 31st March 2016 and a new partnership comprising of the six district councils constituted on 1st April 2016.
Councils Constitution.