Councillor Information
Annual report and review 2023/2024
Name of Member: Councillor Nicky Martin
Ward: Mitton
Section 1: Attendance at Council, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings
This section has been completed by Democratic Services and lists the meetings of Council and all Committees to which you were appointed as a member, including how many meetings of each you attended for the period from Annual Council on 17 May 2023 to the end of April 2024.
Name of Committee No. of meetings held during the year No. of meetings attended
Council 5 3
Overview & Scrutiny 10 9
Planning 8 5
The calendar of meetings is agreed at the beginning of each municipal year. Occasionally the need arises for additional meetings to be arranged at short notice which not all Members are able to attend due to previous commitments. The table shows only the meetings in the agreed municipal calendar: additional meetings are ignored.
This represents an overall attendance of 74%
Other attendance Number
Period of Extended Absence, (e.g. Maternity leave/Sick leave):
Number of meetings attended as a substitute:
Section 2: Mandatory Training Completed
Training Activity Date attended
Planning Training 15-05-2023
Other training Number of modules completed
Core e-learning
Additional e-learning
Cyber security training
Section 3: Community Involvement
This has been a challenging year for me, I was diagnosed with cancer May 2023. Therefore, my time in and around the community has been very limited due to the conditions of my treatment.
Section 4: Assisting Constituents
Despite my diagnosis, I have maintained my role as a councillor with regards to supporting my constituents. The ongoing issues around Housing and the cost-of-living crisis continues to impact on my residents and has been the main source of my support. I have also signposted many concerns about elderly residents and the care package they have once discharged from hospital. Other issues have included traffic concerns and Anti-Social behaviour.
Section 5: Supplementary Information
My role as Overview and Scrutiny Chairman has been very rewarding and enabled me to continue to utilise the knowledge and understanding I gained during my time as cabinet member on how the council fulfils its duty to the residents of Wyre Forest.