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Councillor Information

Kevin Gale

Councillor Image


Annual report and review 2023/2024

Name of Member: Councillor Kevin Gale

Ward: Foley Park & Hoobrook

Section 1: Attendance at Council, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings

Name of Committee No. of meetings held during the year No. of meetings attended
Audit 4 4
Council 5 5
Licensing & Environmental 5 3
Licensing Sub Committee 2 2
Overview & Scrutiny 2 2
Treasury Management Review Panel 2 2

The calendar of meetings is agreed at the beginning of each municipal year. Occasionally the need arises for additional meetings to be arranged at short notice which not all Members are able to attend due to previous commitments. The table shows only the meetings in the agreed municipal calendar: additional meetings are ignored.

This represents an overall attendance of 90%

Other attendance Number

Period of Extended Absence, (e.g. Maternity leave/Sick leave):


Number of meetings attended as a substitute:


Section 2: Mandatory Training Completed

Training Activity Date attended
New Members Induction Session 10-05-2023
New Members Code Conduct Training 10-05-2023
Planning Training 15-05-2023
Licensing Training 25-05-2023
Online Audit Training 14-06-2023
Housing Training 15-06-2023
Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Training 03-10-2023
Treasury Management Training 13-11-2023
Treasury Management Training 29-01-2024
Corporate Parenting 30-01-2024

Other training Number of modules completed
Core e-learning
Additional e-learning
Cyber security training

Section 3: Community Involvement

Trustee of StepWay, a community-based organisation for Veterans, who have fallen on hard times, being the co-ordinator for volunteers in the Wyre Forest.

A sitting member for Kidderminster Town Council, for Foley Park and Hoobrook ward for the last 8 years. I am Chair of the Planning Committee and outside bodies involve:
Friends of St Mary's

As part of my role, I am also one of two Armed Forces Champions for WFDC.

Attending local Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club and Banter & Brew sessions with fellow veterans, offering advice, when required.
Also, Armed Forces Covenant county meetings.

Monthly I try and attend, at least once, the Monday breakfast group at St Peter's Church, where I get the opportunity to mix with residents, the local policing team and Community Housing Group, getting information and offering advice, as and when required.

Attend ward walks and follow up issues raised with either CHG or WFDC.

Three times a year, my fellow councillors and I hold a PACT / Urban Safety meeting, where we give the residents the opportunity to speak to us councillors, policing and CHG.

Section 4: Assisting Constituents

It has been an interesting first year for me on WFDC, a step up from 8 years on Kidderminster Town Council.

I started a Facebook Group for the ward, upon election, and this is a vital tool for myself and my fellow councillors. We use it to inform residents of what we have been doing for them, also they can raise issues for us to sort. I try to respond to any emails and texts as soon as possible and always respond to them with the outcome, even if it's not what they want to hear.

Fly-tipping is a big issue and, recently, I've been working with WFDC, CHG and Severn Valley Railway, with issues around the Gould Avenue and Lickey Grove area of the ward.

Leaflets are delivered 3 or 4 times a year across the ward, updating residents of what we have been doing.

Attend the local church, St Peter's, and help out at fund raising events held throughout the year. Recently helped organise a litter pick, on top of my involvement in the Adopt at Street campaign.

If a particular area needs extra advice or help with issues, I get involved with the resident or CHG to sort them.

Section 5: Supplementary Information

This is my first report as a Wyre Forest District councillor for the Foley Park and Hoobrook ward, working closely with my fellow councillors, N Gale and N Desmond.

I sit on the following committees:

Licensing and Environmental

I also substitute for my fellow councillors on other committees, as and when requested.
Party Logo

Kevin Gale


Contact Details
20 Ferguson Drive

DY11 7HG

Telephone: 07749 719232
Web Site:

Committee Membership

Audit Committee
Licensing and Environmental Committee